
Use /help bot

Starting from 12/03/2013 , all chat rooms admins and
owners can use the
newly released
commands to do various
things regarding room
management. You can see the
available commands by
send /help in the room chat. But here’s an easier
explanation of each
commands: /mod: Makes the target user a moderator in the
room (Can only kick and
mute users). Example: / mod bilalj()hnkurishinkal /kick: Kicks the target user out of the room. Example: /kick jithin~* /invite: Invites someone from your list to the
room (Note: the user
must be in your list). Example: /invite thebluesteye /mute: Makes the target user a visitor (visitors
can’t post messages in
the room). Example: / mute arteyes /who: Display the profile of the target user, like
SpyBot does. Example: /who ()~brain_k!ller~() /msg: Sends a room private message to the
target user. Example: / msg arteyes Hey jasna! /ban: Bans the target user from room. Example: /ban arteyes And those are the
subcommands: a – all users in
room c – number of
banned ids r – remove user
from ban list f – block all the IDs
that come from the
IP address of the
user How to use them: /ban a: Bans all current users in the room,
except owners, admins
and members. /mod a: Makes all the current users
moderators. /kick a: Kicks all the current users. /ban r: Unban the target user. Example: /ban r arteyes /ban c: Displays the number of banned IDs in
the ban list. /ban f: block all the IDs that come from the IP
address of the target
user. Example: /ban f thebluesteye And that’s all I guess.
The most useful
command is /ban f userid , it will basically stop all the flood IDs
from coming to the
room, without even
being in the ban list, the
only down side is that
you can’t “undo” the block. Note: The ID must be in the room to make the command work. Is it the end of flood?
Let’s hope so. Either
way, it’s a great move
by Nimbuzz! Hope I could help a little
bit with the commands

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