Also This problem below can be solved with Genuine Alfa Product

LIMITED EDITION(you will find it nowhere else in Malaysia)
High Power Adapter
ALFA AWUS036H Wireless G USB Network Adapter Luxury Set
REV: R01 Ver.5 (RTL8187L) + 8dBi Antenna
1000mW = 30 DBM!!
It's simply one of the best and most powerful wifi adapter that exists in the market!!This one is the "R01" version optimised of the ALFA AWUS036H, more powerful and with a sensibility much better than the old one!In addition, thanks to its latest and sophisticated REALTEK Software, you can switch between Station and Access Point mode (AP), which means that the Alfa adapter can also become a router where you and your neighbours can connect with WPA/WPA2-PSK Security System !!Moreover, this is the Luxury pack which includes all accessories needed for all Wifi addicted
ATTENTION : Because of many counterfeits that are victim ALFA NETWORK products, The Mother Company decided to put a GENUINE HOLOGRAM STICKER on all their products to confirm their authenticity, as you can notice on the picture.
ALFA LUXURY H includes :
1. Wifi Adapter Alfa AWUS036H LUXURY REV: R01 Ver.5
2. 9dBi Antenna ARS-H002
3. 5dBi Antenna
4. U-MOUNT Holder
5. Suction Cup
6. Clip
7. Magnetic base+Extension cable
8. Drivers/Software CD (All Langages)
All Components are signed and branded from ALFA NETWORKS
All Components are signed and branded from ALFA NETWORKS
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